This policy setting hides the instructions in logon scripts written for Windows NT 4.0 and earlier. Logon scripts are batch files of instructions that run when the user logs on. By default, Windows 2000 displays the instructions in logon scripts written for Windows NT 4.0 and earlier in a command window as they run, although it does not display logon scripts written for Windows 2000. If you enable this setting, Windows 2000 does not display logon scripts written for Windows NT 4.0 and earlier. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Windows 2000 displays login scripts written for Windows NT 4.0 and earlier. Also, see the "Run Logon Scripts Visible" setting.
This policy setting extends the disk quota policies in this folder to NTFS file system volumes on removable media. If you ...
This policy setting grants normal users direct access to removable storage devices in remote sessions. If you enable this ...
This policy setting hides or displays the Advanced Options dialog for Search and Indexing Options in the Control Panel. If ...
This policy setting hides the file scan progress window. This window provides status information to sophisticated users, ...
This policy setting hides the instructions in logon scripts written for Windows NT 4.0 and earlier. Logon scripts are batch ...
This policy setting hides the Properties menu command on the shortcut menu for the My Documents icon. If you enable this ...
This policy setting hides the welcome screen that is displayed on Windows 2000 Professional each time the user logs on. If ...
This policy setting ignores customized run-once lists. You can create a customized list of additional programs and documents ...
This policy setting ignores the customized run list. You can create a customized list of additional programs and documents ...