Add and configure new file screens. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Screen Add /Path:PATH {/SourceTemplate:TEMPLATE ...

Add and configure new file screens.  The syntax of this command is:  Filescrn Screen Add /Path:PATH                     {/SourceTemplate:TEMPLATE | /Add-Filegroup:ADD_FG}                     [/Type:{Active|Passive}]                     [/Add-Notification:NOTIFY_TYPE,CONFIG_FILE]                     [/Overwrite | /Ignore] [/Remote:MACHINE]     /Path:PATH                 Configure file screen on path PATH. The following                               wildcards are supported:                                  \.   - Folder specified by PATH                                  \*   - All immediate subfolders of PATH     /SourceTemplate:TEMPLATE   Configure file screen from template TEMPLATE.     /Add-Filegroup:ADD_FG      Add file group ADD_FG to the list of blocked file                               groups for this file screen. The switch can be                               specified multiple times.     /Type:{Active|Passive}     Make the file screen active or passive.                                  Active  - Users cannot save unauthorized files                                            (default)                                  Passive - Users can save unauthorized files                                            but notifications will be raised     /Add-Notification:NOTIFY_TYPE,CONFIG_FILE                                Add notification. The switch can be specified                               multiple times. The parameters to be used are:                                  NOTIFY_TYPE - One of the following:                                     M - E-mail notification                                     E - Event log notification                                     C - Command line notification                                     R - Report notification                                  CONFIG_FILE - Path to configuration file     /Overwrite                 Overwrite file screens if they already exist.     /Ignore                    Ignore paths where file screens already exist.     /Remote:MACHINE            Perform the operation on machine MACHINE.  Use "Filescrn Notification /?" to view configuration file syntax.  Example:    Filescrn Screen Add /Path:D:\scratch /Type:Passive       /Add-Filegroup:"Audio and Video Files"       /Add-Notification:M,screen-emailadmin.txt       /Overwrite