Microsoft iSNS Server: Discovery Domain (DD) Class: To create a new Discovery Domain, create a new instanceof the class with the DDSymbolicName parameter set. The DD_ID and DDIDString properties will be automatically generated. To delete a Discovery Domain, delete the instance.
Microsoft has not yet analyzed the software that made these changes for potential risks. Permit changes only if you trust ...
Microsoft Identity Management for UNIX provides cross-platform management between computers running Windows and computers ...
Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy as a consumer. The Windows Media Player privacy statement explains what ...
Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. To deliver an enhanced experience, data is exchanged over the Internet ...
Microsoft iSNS Server: Discovery Domain (DD) Class: To create a new Discovery Domain, create a new instanceof the class with ...
Microsoft iSNS Server: Discovery Domain Set (DDS) Class: To create a new Discovery Domain Set, create a new instanceof the ...
Microsoft Management Console was unable to report this error to Microsoft. The Microsoft Application Error Reporting component ...
Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always) This security setting determines whether packet signing ...
Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (if server agrees) This security setting determines whether the SMB ...