Encountered an error while processing Active Directory attributes for an object. This error caused User Replication to abort synchronization of this domain. Synchronization will be retried for this domain. Object: %1 AD Attribute: %2 Error: %3 ReplicationType:%4 Cause: This event occurs for a variety of reasons. The most common are domain controllers going down, or the server running out of memory. Resolution: Check for failures in the domain infrastructure. Because the User Replicator automatically retries the operation, when the error is resolved, the User Replicator will automatically start synchronizing again.
Encountered a conflict when creating conference validation http endpoint. Error: 1!_HRX! (%2!_HRM!). Cause: Please look at ...
Encountered a connection failure while executing a request against the back-end. Back-end connection string: %1 Resolution: ...
Encountered an error while attempting to perform an LDAP search for all Lync Server attributes on object %1. The error was ...
Encountered an error while attempting to perform an LDAP search for all Lync Server attributes. The error was serious enough ...
Encountered an error while processing Active Directory attributes for an object. This error caused User Replication to abort ...
Encountered an error while processing Active Directory attributes for object %1. The Active Directory attribute being processed ...
Encountered an unrecognized error while processing objects from a domain. This error caused User Replicator to abort synchronization ...
encountered errors. Consult the log file for a detailed analysis, and ensure all errors ({1}) and warnings ({2}) are addressed ...
Endpoint throttling settings cache initialization failed. Cause: Check the eventlog description. Resolution: Check the entries ...