Multiple Windows PowerShell connections are supported only by creating a new browser session. This is not the same as a new tab or window. Your browser might allow you to start more than one session. In Internet Explorer, for example, you can use the New Session command on the File menu. Browsers on mobile devices might not allow you to create a new session.
Multiple User Profiles were detected. Ensure that no sensitive user data is present on the machine before proceeding. See ...
Multiple users are logged on to the machine and this may be the cause of performance problems. Log off any inactive users ...
Multiple virtual machines exist with the name '{0}'. Specify the virtual machine by providing the VirtualMachineGUID (VMID). ...
Multiple Windows images were selected based on the provided information. Windows Setup cannot determine which one to use.%0 ...
Multiple Windows PowerShell connections are supported only by creating a new browser session. This is not the same as a new ...
Multisite deployment name. 2. List of entry points in the deployment, and the servers contained in each entry point. 3. Global ...
Multisite deployment name. 2. Multisite deployment entry points with a list of servers associated with each entry point. ...
Multisite deployment name. 2. Multisite entry points, where each entry point has a list of associated servers. 3. Global ...
MULTI_TRANSPORT_INTERFACE_STATE structure too short for provided reference string, or reference string not NULL-terminated ...