If you choose an e-mail signature, it appears automatically at the bottom of messages you send. E-mail stationery lets you customize the look of your e-mail messages--just like traditional stationery.
If you are using a number to modify a noun, be sure the noun agrees with the number. Any number greater than one must modify ...
If you are using a singular noun to indicate possession, use an apostrophe before the "s." If you are using a plural noun, ...
If you are using more than one verb in your sentence, be sure all the verbs are either active (the subject performs the action, ...
If you change the current setting for line-breaking characters, you will lose your customizations. Are you sure you want ...
If you choose an e-mail signature, it appears automatically at the bottom of messages you send. E-mail stationery lets you ...
If you choose to edit the data source, Word will break the link to ÿ. In breaking the link your mail merge data source will ...
If you choose to edit the data source, Word will break the link to ÿ. In breaking the link your mail merge data source will ...
If you clicked a link and your page could not be found, click the Back button in your web browser and try your link again. ...
If you delete a paragraph mark, the formatting in your document will change. If you don't want to see paragraph marks on ...