The delta site control file %1 contains a site configuration change request submitted by the "%2" SMS Provider client running ...

%11The delta site control file %1 contains a site configuration change request submitted by the "%2" SMS Provider client running as user "%3" on computer "%4" at site "%5" at "%6".%12

The site configuration change request was assigned the serial number %7 at site "%5". SMS Site Control Manager uses this serial number to ensure that it does not process the same site configuration change request from an SMS Provider client (such as the SMS Administrator console) more than once. When an SMS Provider client submits a delta site control file containing a site configuration change request, SMS Hierarchy Manager at the site submitting the file will report status message 3307. You can track the time on message 3307 and this one to determine when the site configuration change request was submitted and when it actually went into effect.%0
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