Usage: %1!s! transareaid= virtnbrid= transdelay= retrans= hello= dead= password= Parameters: Tag Value transareaid - The ...

Usage: %1!s! [transareaid=]        [virtnbrid=]        [transdelay=]         [retrans=]        [hello=]        [dead=]        [password=]   Parameters:         Tag            Value       transareaid -  The IP address of the transit area       virtnbrid   -  The router ID of the virtual neighbor.       transdelay  -  The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a                      link state update packet over this interface. This                      value should take into account the transmission and                      propagation delays of the interface and network media.                      The default setting is 1 second.       retrans     -  The number of seconds between link state advertisement                      retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this                      interface. This value should exceed the expected                      round-trip delay between any two routers on the attached                      network. However, if this value is not conservative,                      needless retransmissions result. The value needs to be                      larger on low-speed serial lines. A sample value for a                      local area network is 5 seconds.       hello       -  The interval in seconds between transmissions of hello                      packets by the router on the interface. You can also                      click the arrows to select a new setting. This setting                      must be the same for all routers that are attached to a                      common network. The shorter the hello interval, the                      faster topological changes are detected. However, a                      shorter interval also results in more OSPF traffic. A                      sample value for an X.25 network is 30 seconds. A sample                      value for a local area network is 10 seconds.       dead        -  The number of seconds before a neighboring router                      considers this router to be down. The router is                      determined to be down if a neighboring router does not                      receive a hello packet sent by this router within the                      specified interval. For example, if your hello interval                      setting is 15 seconds and your dead interval is 60                      seconds, after sending four hello packets and receiving                      no acknowledgment or response, neighboring routers                      declare that this router is down. This setting should                      be an integral multiple of the hello interval                      (commonly 4). This value must be the same for all OSPF                      router interfaces attached to a common network segment.       password    -  If passwords are enabled for the area (the default                      setting) the password used for this interface by using                      any combination of uppercase or lowercase letters or                      numbers.                      All interfaces in the same area that are on the same                      network must use identical passwords.                      Interfaces in the same area that are on different                      networks can have different passwords.                      By default, passwords are enabled and the password is                      12345678. Passwords are transmitted in plaintext, so                      this option is for identification, not security. If this                      option is unavailable, you must enable passwords for the                      area.    Remarks: Changes OSPF parameters for the specified virtual interface.   Examples:          %1!s! hello=15 dead=60
English (United States)