The Dependent reference represents the properties of the logical device that is using the system resources assigned to it.
The delete operation cannot continue because this snap-in is connected to the domain controller that is being deleted. To ...
The DeleteEx method will delete the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. DeleteEx returns an integer ...
The Demand-Dial interface %1 was not registered with the Router. Demand-Dial interfaces are not supported on a Windows NT ...
The Dependent property references a mapped logical disk defined within the session referenced by the Antecedent property. ...
The Dependent reference represents the properties of the logical device that is using the system resources assigned to it. ...
The Dependent reference represents the system driver that uses the network adapter through the network protocol of this class. ...
The Dependent reference represents the Win32_BaseService containing a base service that is dependent on the Antecedent property ...
The Dependent reference represents the Win32_BaseService containing the properties of the base service that is dependent ...
The Dependent reference represents the Win32_DiskPartition containing the properties of a disk partition residing on the ...