Unable to find a detailed error description. Unknown facility code of:0x%1!02X! (%1!02d!L) Facility error: 0x%2!X! (%2!02d!L)
Unable to establish a connection to the server. Ensure Windows Media Services is started and the HTTP Server control protocol ...
Unable to establish a multi-transport connection; the connection will use TCP. Consult the product documentation to enable ...
Unable to execute the test. Please verify that the module name and selection criteria for the test is correctly set in the ...
Unable to export policy with error 1!x!. Make sure that the file name is correct and the file is accessible. The firewall ...
Unable to find a detailed error description. Unknown facility code of: 1!02X! (%1!02d!L) Facility error: 2!X! (%2!02d!L) ...
Unable to find plugin methods WSManPluginShell, WSManPluginCommand, WSManPluginSend, WSManPluginRecieve in the Managed plugin ...
Unable to find the %1!s! Procedure name in the registry for service "%2!s!". Check the application event log to make sure ...
Unable to find valid registry value "%1!s!" in the registry for service "%2!s!". Check the application event log to make ...
Unable to generate RSoP Data. In logging mode, likely causes are Group Policy has never successfully processed for the computer ...