Your security policy settings are preventing connections to your computer The Windows Firewall rule %s is blocking your connection.
Your roaming profile isn't synchronized completely with the server. You've been signed in with a partially synchronized profile. ...
Your roaming profile isn't synchronized with the server because a slow network connection is detected. You've been signed ...
Your screen orientation cannot be changed because the screen resolution is set too low. To increase your screen resolution, ...
Your screen resolution must be 1024x768 or higher for the Speech Recognition tutorial. Please change your screen resolution ...
Your security policy settings are preventing connections to your computer The Windows Firewall rule %s is blocking your connection. ...
Your security settings are below the recommended level, putting your computer at an increased risk of online attack. - To ...
Your selected pictures are about to be sent to the printing company. Picture files may contain personal information that ...
Your server administrator has applied enhanced security settings to Internet Explorer. These security settings might prevent ...
Your server is trying to access the internet through Internet Explorer. The Enhanced Security Configuration for Internet ...