Usage: show global [property] Parameters: ipsec - Shows IPsec specific settings. statefulftp - Shows stateful ftp support. statefulpptp - Shows stateful pptp support. mainmode - Shows Main Mode settings. Remarks: - Displays the global property settings. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display IPsec settings: netsh advfirewall show global ipsec Display main mode settings: netsh advfirewall show global mainmode
Usage: SETFLAG DRIVE HOTSPARE={TRUE | FALSE} Sets the specified flag to the specified value for the currently selected drive. ...
Usage: show allprofiles parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. ...
Usage: show currentprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show domainprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show global property Parameters: ipsec - Shows IPsec specific settings. statefulftp - Shows stateful ftp support. ...
Usage: show mmsa|qmsa (source destination)|all Remarks: - This command shows all the security association, or as filtered ...
Usage: show privateprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show publicprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show rule name= profile=public|private|domain|any[,. type=dynamic|static (default=static) verbose Remarks: - Displays ...