Scan Time per MB - 99th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per megabyte, discounting the slowest 1% of scans. This value is calculated over the past minute.
Save the DL expansion to the message item with id: %1, mailbox guid: %2, tenant: %3 failed because it may no longer exist. ...
Save the DL expansion to the message item with id: %1, subject: '%2', mailbox guid: %3, tenant: %4 failed because the item ...
Say "Play It Back" to hear your message, "Continue Recording" to add to your recording, "Start Over" to record it again, ...
Scan Time per MB - 90th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per megabyte, discounting the slowest 10% of ...
Scan Time per MB - 99th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per megabyte, discounting the slowest 1% of ...
Scan Time per Message - 90th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per message, discounting the slowest 10% ...
Scan Time per Message - 99th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per message, discounting the slowest 1% ...
Scans can be configured to run on a scheduled basis. If this option is enabled, scans with the currently specified parameters ...
Scenario: %1. A query for extension updates can't be submitted because the extension does not have a valid version. Mailbox: ...