Drag to add a horizontal guide. CTRL+drag to set the vertical ruler zero. Double-click to reset horizontal ruler zero to default.
Drag onto the page, then right-click to specify balancing network, terminating set with balancing network, or hybrid transformer. ...
Drag onto the page, then right-click to specify zero or infinite reactance, or zero reactance and infinite susceptance or ...
Drag onto the page, then use toolbar buttons to change fill and border color. Right-click and choose Properties to set text. ...
Drag the values from the source file on the left, and drop them on the appropriate destination field on the right. Drag the ...
Drag to add a horizontal guide. CTRL+drag to set the vertical ruler zero. Double-click to reset horizontal ruler zero to ...
Drag to add a line that extends beyond its endpoints. Use to create shapes with the Shape > Operations > Fragment command. ...
Drag to add a vertical guide. CTRL+drag to set the horizontal ruler zero. Double-click to reset vertical ruler zero to default. ...
Drag to add an object for which no corresponding LDAP shape can be found. You can apply an existing class to this object. ...
Driver 2 is more important than Driver 3" leads to a low consistency ratio, because it contradicts the previous two driver ...