This instance has multiple messages associated with it. To view the message flow for a specific message that was processed ...

This instance has multiple messages associated with it. To view the message flow for a specific message that was processed by this instance, you must first locate the message. You can do thisThis can be done in several ways:
1. Using HAT, find the message and the pipeline instance associated with it using Find Message query. Then, select the message flow for the pipeline instance.
2. Using the BizTalk Administration Console, find the message in the BizTalk Administration MMC snap-in using message query. Then, select the message flow for the message.
3. Using the BizTalk Administration Console, find the instance referencing the message in the BizTalk Administration MMC snap-in, right click the selected service instance, and then click select Show Messages from the context menu. Locate the message and select the message flow for the message.
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