One or more products in the Exclude discount lines are not present in the Include discount lines. This can result in unexpected discount behavior in previous versions of Dynamics POS applications. It is recommended that you modify your discount lines to avoid this configuration.
One or more payments on the journal %1 have not been authorized or have been declined . Payments need to be manually authorized ...
One or more pending invoices have unapplied paid prepayment invoices available to apply. Use the Apply Prepayment form to ...
One or more products are not available in this store. To order the products, change the transaction to a customer order and ...
One or more products cannot be released. Validate open product releases in the Open product releases form to identify the ...
One or more products in the Exclude discount lines are not present in the Include discount lines. This can result in unexpected ...
One or more recipients do not allow email activity to be followed. Click Don't Follow to send without following this email ...
One or more recommendation models couldn't be activated. Try activating the existing recommendation models separately from ...
One or more records in your task flow could not be accessed because it was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions ...
One or more records in your task flow couldn't be found or your don't have permission to view the record. Your work won't ...