You cannot create a system state backup using the current backup settings. Volume {0} contains system data and cannot be selected for backup. {1}
You cannot create a aackup used for bare metal recovery because one of the volume(s) {0} containing system data is hosted ...
You cannot create a backup or change backup settings when your computer is running on battery power. Attach a power cord ...
You cannot create a full server backup because some of the volumes that are online on the server are virtual volumes (volumes ...
You cannot create a new volume in this unallocated space because the disk already contains the maximum number of partitions. ...
You cannot create a system state backup using the current backup settings. Volume {0} contains system data and cannot be ...
You cannot create both a recovery password and a recovery key. A recovery password cannot be created because it does not ...
You cannot create mappings for PCNFS users/groups when administering a remote computer. You can create PCNFS mappings by ...
You cannot delete a connection while it is connected or busy connecting. Please disconnect or close the login property page ...
You cannot delete a hidden task. To delete this task, clear the Hidden check box in the General tab of the task Properties ...