The fax cannot be sent because there is no data to send. Specify at least one of the following: a cover page, a fax attachment, or a fax description.
The F5 shortcut key now performs a Refresh operation and any unsaved changes will be saved. The Restore shortcut key is now ...
The Facebook page rule allows you to capture all conversations on a public Facebook page. The conversations are captured ...
The factory number of the Electronic Storage Controlling Tape (ESCT) that is assigned to the document by the fiscal printer ...
The facture or registration dates of the original facture cannot be later than the corresponding dates of the correcting ...
The fax cannot be sent because there is no data to send. Specify at least one of the following: a cover page, a fax attachment, ...
The fax cannot be sent because this type of attachment is not allowed or does not support virtual printing to a fax device. ...
The FBCIAPAssetTrans_OtherCredits_BR table contains the fiscal document information for other credits of the CIAP fixed assets ...
The FBContribCreditControlDetail_BR table controls the credit control from PIS and COFINS tax assessments. When the credit ...
The FBEcfDailyOperationsReport contains the mandatory sequence number and all the totals required by the government in this ...