Usage: WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP [-quiet] Stops running the existing scheduled daily backups. -quiet Runs the command with no user prompts.
Usage: Verify security for an existing replication group, and if necessary repair it. DfsrAdmin {1} {0} /{2} - Verify and ...
Usage: WBADMIN DELETE CATALOG -quiet Deletes the backup catalog. Use this command when the backup catalog is corrupted and ...
Usage: WBADMIN DELETE CATALOG -quiet This command will delete your backup catalog. Run this command only if your catalog ...
Usage: WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -keepVersions:{No. of copies} | -version:VersionIdentifier | -deleteOldest -backupTarget:{VolumeName} ...
Usage: WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP -quiet Stops running the existing scheduled daily backups. -quiet Runs the command with no ...
Usage: WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP -quiet Stops running the existing scheduled daily backups. -quiet Runs the command with no ...
Usage: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare} -removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare} ...
Usage: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare} -removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare} ...
Usage: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk} -removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk} -schedule:TimeToRunBackup -include:VolumesToInclude ...