USAGE: DataCollector.EXE -DataSource value -Mode value -JobName value -Locations value -[ExcludedLocations value -LogLocation ...

USAGE: DataCollector.EXE    -DataSource [value]    -Mode [value]    -JobName [value]    -Locations [value]    -[ExcludedLocations [value]]    -LogLocation [value]    -ConfigurationLocation [value]    -CopyLocation [value]    [-BlockChangesToFiles]    [-BlockNewFiles]    [-ForceRestart]    [-Help] -DataSource [value]:    Indicates what type of data to operate on.    The only value currently supported is "PST".    This parameter is mandatory -Mode [value]:    Indicates what mode to run in.    Valid values are one of: "FIND", "COLLECT", "DELETE", "BLOCK".    This parameter is mandatory -JobName [value]:    A simple identifier to help identify the current run.    This parameter is mandatory -Locations [value]:    A semi-colon delimited list of values indicating various locations.    This parameter is mandatory when Mode FIND is specified -ExcludedLocations [value]:    A semi-colon delimited list of values indicating various locations.    This parameter is optional -LogLocation [value]:    Indicates where to create log files.    This parameter is mandatory -ConfigurationLocation [value]:    Indicates where to create configuration files.    This parameter is mandatory -CopyLocation [value]:    Indicates where to copy found data files.    This parameter is mandatory when Mode COLLECT is specified -BlockChangesToFiles:    Indicates whether to block future changes to found files.    This parameter is optional and valid only when Mode BLOCK is specified -BlockNewFiles:    Indicates whether to block new files from being created.    This parameter is optional and valid only when Mode BLOCK is specified -Help:    Outputs this message.    This parameter is optional