ReturnTypeDescriptor of MethodInstance with Name '{0}' on Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{1}' in Namespace '{2}' should not have siblings for MethodInstances of Type '{3}'.
Returns TRUE if the value of cellreference is any error type; otherwise, it returns FALSE. The ISERROR function is used in ...
Returns TRUE if the value of cellreference is error type #N/A! (not available); otherwise, it returns FALSE. The ISERRNA ...
Returns TRUE if the value of cellreference is error type #VALUE, where an argument in the formula is the wrong type. The ...
ReturnTypeDescriptor of MethodInstance with Name '{0}' on Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{1}' in Namespace '{2}' ...
ReturnTypeDescriptor of MethodInstance with Name '{0}' on Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{1}' in Namespace '{2}' ...
ReturnTypeDescriptor of MethodInstance with Name '{0}' on Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{1}' in Namespace '{2}' ...
ReturnTypeDescriptor of MethodInstance with Name '{0}' on Entity (External Content Type) with Name '{1}' in Namespace '{2}' ...
ReturnTypeDescriptorName attribute for MethodInstances has been deprecated. Please use ReturnTypeDescriptorPath attribute ...
Reusing Entity (External Content Type) with Namespace '{0}', Name '{1}' and Version '{2}' on LobSystem (External System) ...