A reboot is required before any further operations may be initiated. If you do not reboot, machine behavior and machine state, are undefined for any further operations.
A RAID-5 volume stores data in stripes on three or more dynamic disks. It provides a way of recovering data if part of the ...
A ReadyBoost cache failed to persist across boot. This may happen if the cache device was modified on another computer or ...
A ReadyBoost cache was deleted due to repeated data corruption instances on the associated device that have been detected ...
A ReadyBoost cache was deleted due to repeated I/O failures on the associated device. This typically happens when the device ...
A reboot is required before any further operations may be initiated. If you do not reboot, machine behavior and machine state, ...
A reboot is REQUIRED for the LUN uninstall to fully take effect. If you initiate further operations without rebooting, the ...
A reboot is required to complete switch creation. The data path will not be active until reboot. name = '%1', friendly name ...
A reboot is required to progress further. Please reboot the system. Configuration will not be continued after the reboot. ...
A reboot is scheduled to progress further. Configuration will not be continued after the reboot. To continue configuration, ...