The document cannot be journalized when there are partly distributed source document amounts. Fully distribute all source document amounts.
The DMFWorkCalendarDateEntity table contains all the dates when the working time information has been defined for the calendars ...
The DMFWorkCalendarDateLineEntity table contains all the work time intervals for all the calendar days for all the calendars. ...
The DMFWorkTimeLineEntity table contains working time templates for each weekday. The templates are used as a basis for creating ...
The document amount is not equal to the total sum of all of the collected receipts. Modify the entries in the journal to ...
The document cannot be journalized when there are partly distributed source document amounts. Fully distribute all source ...
The document contains elements that cannot be converted to PDF. This may be caused by missing image data in the document. ...
The document created by mail merge could not be attached to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 activity created for the current mail ...
The document is awaiting your manual verification on the OCR service site.\Choose the Awaiting Verification link in the OCR ...
The document line(s) with a G/L account where direct posting is not allowed have not been copied to the new document by the ...