Usage: %1!s! name= filtertype=]{INPUT|OUTPUT|DIAL} srcaddr= srcmask= dstaddr= dstmask= {[proto= ANY | proto=]{TCP|TCP-EST|UDP} ...

Usage: %1!s! [name=] [filtertype=]{INPUT|OUTPUT|DIAL}
       [srcaddr=] [srcmask=]
       [dstaddr=] [dstmask=]
       {[proto=] ANY |
        [proto=]{TCP|TCP-EST|UDP} [srcport=] [dstport=] |
        [proto=] ICMP [type=] [code=] }

       Tag              Value                                             
       name           - The name of the interface where the filter is to  
                        be added.                                          
       filtertype     - One of the following values:                        
                        input: If the filter being modified filters input   
                        output: If the filter being modified filters output 
                        dial: If the filter being modified filters a dial-up
                        interface being connected                           
       srcaddr        - Source address field of the packet to be filtered.   
       srcmask        - Source address mask of the packet to be filtered.    
                        An address and mask of all 0's means ANY.            
       dstaddr        - Destination address field of packet to be filtered.  
       dstmask        - Destination address mask of packet to be filtered.   
       proto          - The protocol type for the packet to be filtered.     
       srcport        - The source port field of the packet to be filtered.  
                        A value of 0 means ANY.                              
       dstport        - The destination port field of packet to filtered.    
                        A value of 0 means ANY.                              
       type           - The ICMP type field of the packet to be filtered.    
                        A value of 255 means ANY.                            
       code           - The ICMP code field of the packet to be filtered.    
                        A value of 255 means ANY.                            
Remarks: Adds a packet filter to the specified interface.                    
      %1!s! name="Virtual Private Connection" filtertype=input 
      srcaddr= srcmask= dstaddr=            
      dstmask= proto=any                                          
      %1!s! "Virtual Private Connection" input any