You are about to confirm the test result. You will be able to mark it for posting after you confirm the result, but the result will no longer be editable. Are you sure you want to confirm the result?
You are about to change the territory for the user. This will remove the user from the previously assigned territories. Do ...
You are about to change this user's role. Changing the role may remove previously defined role permissions and data access. ...
You are about to change your synchronizing organization. This will stop synchronizing all data currently marked for synchronization. ...
You are about to confirm the purchase order while the latest version of it is not confirmed by a vendor. Select OK to continue. ...
You are about to confirm the test result. You will be able to mark it for posting after you confirm the result, but the result ...
You are about to connect to '{0}' on server '{1}', which is not your current default connection setting. This can create ...
You are about to create a branch of type 'Structure'. Do you want to import all branches from the origin structure instead? ...
You are about to deactivate the CGU group. You will able to edit the CGU group, but please be aware that the changes that ...
You are about to deactivate the CGU group. You will able to edit the CGU group, but please be aware that the changes that ...