An error occurred when the Coded UI Test Builder was started with UIMap.UITest file. You must edit or delete this file which is located in your solution to fix the following error: {0} If you delete this file, all the controls, recorded methods and assertions that you have added will be lost. After you fix the error, you can restart the Coded UI Test Builder.
An error occurred when attempting to read the list of primary group members for the Active Directory identity listed above. ...
An error occurred when merging assemblies, possibly due to circular dependencies between two assemblies. The error reported ...
An error occurred when processing your new command text: {0} The error message was: {1} Do you want to use the new command ...
An error occurred when running the wizard that prevents it from continuing. Your installation of Visual Studio may need to ...
An error occurred when the Coded UI Test Builder was started with UIMap.UITest file. You must edit or delete this file which ...
An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type '{0}'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public ...
An error occurred when trying to create the IControllerFactory '{0}'. Make sure that the controller factory has a public ...
An error occurred when trying to create the IModelBinder '{0}'. Make sure that the binder has a public parameterless constructor. ...
An error occurred when trying to read the following Active Directory distinguished name: {0}. This identity was not added ...