You must install this service pack to complete installation. Visual Studio requires that this service pack be installed before you install Visual Studio.
You must grant appropriate permissions to the default site location to those users who will create team projects. #moreInformationLink; ...
You must have 'read' permissions to the drop location, '{1}' and 'write' permissions to the destination folder for the test ...
You must install this service pack to complete installation. .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 requires that this service pack be installed ...
You must install this service pack to complete installation. Team Foundation Server requires that this service pack be installed ...
You must install this service pack to complete installation. Visual Studio requires that this service pack be installed before ...
You must install Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later to complete installation. This service pack must be installed before ...
You must map the highlighted parameters if you want to use your action recording for other iterations. Use the property sheet ...
You must match the fields from the list you are adding to the fields in your existing product list. You can also add new ...
You must not specify user/group (without allow/deny/remove) with the inheritance flag because it is a per object property. ...