You have chosen to display additional collections that exceed the site's default size for deployment verification. Available collections are still restricted by the site's maximum size configuration.
You do not have the correct rights to perform this task. You need the following security rights to this collection: Advertise ...
You have chosen to delete the last access account currently defined for this package. Clients will be unable to run the deployments ...
You have chosen to disable publishing of identity data into Active Directory. This will not delete the identity data that ...
You have chosen to display additional collections that exceed the site's default size for deployment verification. Available ...
You have chosen to display additional collections that exceed the site's default size for deployment verification. Available ...
You have chosen to remove the package from all the distribution points currently defined for it. Clients will be unable to ...
You have chosen to remove the package from the last distribution point currently defined for it. Clients will be unable to ...
You have chosen to require clients to sign messages sent to site system roles. This setting affects all System Center Configuration ...
You have chosen to upgrade secondary site {0}. This action will upgrade the database and server components on server {1} ...