Specifies an identifying income or expense code that defines the source of the tax difference associated with this entry.
Specifies an auto-filled number if you have included Sales Unit of Measure on the item card and a quantity in the Qty. per ...
Specifies an identification number, using the numbering system of the vendor, that links the vendor's source document to ...
Specifies an identification number, using the numbering system of the vendor, which links the vendor's source document to ...
Specifies an identification number, using the vendor numbering system, which links the vendor's source document to the withholding ...
Specifies an identifying income or expense code that defines the source of the tax difference associated with this entry. ...
Specifies an index figure that is to calculate the index amounts entered in the journal. For example, if you want to index ...
Specifies an initial password for the user. To sign in to the client, the user must provide the name that is specified in ...
Specifies an instruction to the warehouse that ships the items, for example, that it is acceptable to do partial shipment. ...
Specifies an item group code that can be used as a criterion to grant a discount when the item is sold to a certain customer. ...