Enum type '{0}' cannot have the IsReference setting of '{1}'. Either change the setting to '{2}', or remove it completely.
EntityMemberChanged or EntityComplexMemberChanged was called without first calling EntityMemberChanging or EntityComplexMemberChanging ...
EntityPropertyMapping attributes are only allowed to be specified on entity types. The attribute specification for resource ...
EntityType '{0}' has '{1}' accessibility and EntitySet '{2}' has a get property with '{3}' accessibility. The get property ...
EntityTypes {0} are being mapped to the same rows in table {1}. Mapping conditions can be used to distinguish the rows that ...
Enum type '{0}' cannot have the IsReference setting of '{1}'. Either change the setting to '{2}', or remove it completely. ...
Enum underlying type and the object must be same type or object must be a String. Type passed in was '{0}'; the enum underlying ...
Enum underlying type and the object must be same type or object. Type passed in was '{0}'; the enum underlying type was '{1}'. ...
Enum value '{0}' is invalid for type '{1}' and cannot be serialized. Ensure that the necessary enum values are present and ...
Enumerated types cannot have any generic type parameters, beyond any inherited from their enclosing type (for nested enums). ...