Exchange Server 2010

  1. The domain name part of the sender's SMTP e-mail address is invalid. The domain part, which is the part of the e-mail address ...
  2. The domain routing information stored in recipient policies and SMTP connectors is consistent. The corresponding entries ...
  3. The DomainController parameter and the IgnoreDefaultScope switch can't be used at the same time. Remove one, and try again. ...
  4. The domains {0} already exist in another organization relationship. Domains can only exist in one organization relationship. ...
  5. The DomainSecureEnabled parameter can't be set to $True unless Transport Layer Security (TLS) is set on the AuthMechanism ...
  6. The download URL '{0}' can't be reached. Check your Internet connection settings to verify that the URL can be reached on ...
  7. The duration between startTime and endTime ({0}) of the recurrence is greater than the minimum duration between two occurrences ...
  8. The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the ...
  9. The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the ...
  10. The e-mail address '%1' created during update process for display name '%2' (mailbox name '%3') is not unique. The unique ...
  11. The e-mail address '%1' created during update process for display name '%2' (mailbox name '%3') is not unique. The unique ...
  12. The e-mail address could not be found. Perhaps the recipient moved to a different e-mail organization, or there was a mistake ...
  13. The e-mail address could not be found. Perhaps the recipient moved to a different e-mail organization, or there was a mistake ...
  14. The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' computers is ...
  15. The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' computers is ...
  16. The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' machines is missing. ...
  17. The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' machines is missing. ...
  18. The e-mail address for recipient "{0}" was updated to the e-mail address "{1}". The message is in the process of being delivered. ...
  19. The e-mail address for the journal report recipient isn't a valid SMTP address. A valid SMTP address is in the format user@domain. ...
  20. The e-mail address for the sender ({0}) is internal to your organization and cannot be added to the {1} list. E-mail from ...
  21. The e-mail address for this recipient was found in Active Directory and the message is in the process of being delivered. ...
  22. The e-mail address is invalid or does not exist in the recipient e-mail system. One of the most common causes is that a recipient ...
  23. The e-mail address is invalid or does not exist in the recipient e-mail system. This code may be caused by an invalid non-SMTP ...
  24. The e-mail address policy object "{0}" is invalid because it contains invalid e-mail address templates: {1}. To view details ...
  25. The e-mail address that is specified with the ExternalAddress parameter is already mapped to an internal address by another ...
  26. The e-mail address that is specified with the InternalAddress parameter is already being rewritten by another address rewrite ...
  27. The e-mail address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the recipient's e-mail address and try to resend the message. ...
  28. The e-mail message couldn't be delivered because its format was damaged. Try creating a new message and sending it again. ...
  29. The e-mail message couldn't be delivered because the delivery wasn't completed within the time limit configured by the administrator. ...
  30. The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient e-mail system. The sender should make the e-mail ...
  31. The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient mailbox. Reduce the size of the e-mail message ...
  32. The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient mailbox. The sender should make the e-mail ...
  33. The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient's e-mail system. Reduce the size of the e-mail ...
  34. The e-mail message format was corrupted and could not be delivered. The sender should try creating a new message and sending ...
  35. The e-mail message was corrupted or altered, and the recipient e-mail system that is responsible for validating or decrypting ...
  36. The e-mail message was damaged or altered. As a result, the recipient's e-mail system that is responsible for validating ...
  37. The e-mail message was rejected by the recipient e-mail system. This code indicates a generic incorrect e-mail address issue. ...
  38. The e-mail message was rejected by the recipient's e-mail system. This code indicates an incorrect e-mail address was used. ...
  39. The e-mail system is experiencing delays. Several messages may be affected. The system will continue trying to deliver this ...
  40. The e-mail system issued a protocol command with invalid arguments. The sender can try sending the e-mail message again later. ...
  41. The e-mail system limits the number of recipients that can be addressed in a single message. Send the message multiple times ...
  42. The e-mail system limits the number of recipients that can be addressed in a single message. Send the message multiple times ...
  43. The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. ...
  44. The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. ...
  45. The EASI ID account "{0}" doesn't exist so it can't be evicted. Please create the mailbox without using the EvictLiveId parameter. ...
  46. The EDB file for mailbox store '{3}' on server {2} is being written to a compressed folder. Severe performance degradation ...
  47. The EdbFilePath that you specified is already in use by another database on server "{1}". Please specify a different EdbFilePath. ...
  48. The Edge Subscription needs to be removed before uninstalling the Edge Transport role from this server. Run 'Remove-EdgeSubscription' ...
  49. The Edge Subscription should be completed inside your organization within the next "{0}" minutes before the bootstrap account ...
  50. The Edge Transport role has been unpacked or installed. The other roles cannot be installed with the Edge Transport role. ...
  51. The Edge Transport server role and the IIS Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service are both installed on server {2}. ...
  52. The Edge Transport server role performs anti-spam and antivirus filtering, and applies messaging and security policies to ...
  53. The EdgeSync cookie has not been updated as expected. It may indicate EdgeSync has encountered synchronization errors. For ...
  54. The EdgeSync lease has expired. This might indicate that EdgeSync services are not running on the Hub Transport servers in ...
  55. The en-US unified messaging language pack can't be added or removed. It will be installed and uninstalled with the Unified ...
  56. The en-US unified messaging language pack can't be added or removed. It will be installed and uninstalled with the Unified ...
  57. The ending restored logfile %4 is too low. It should end at logfile %5. For more information, click ...
  58. The ending restored logfile %4 is too low. It should end at logfile %5. For more information, click ...
  59. The entry "{0}" is invalid. A file name entry that starts with '*.' must be strictly an extension specification. It can't ...
  60. The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is missing the following mandatory ...
  61. The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is missing the following mandatory ...
  62. The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is trying to delete the mandatory ...
  63. The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is trying to delete the mandatory ...
  64. The environment variable ExchangeInstallPath is missing or incorrect. This can cause the Exchange management tools to fail ...
  65. The Equals (-eq) comparison operator was used with a partial identity argument. Use the Like (-like) comparison operator ...
  66. The equipment mailbox is for equipment scheduling and is not owned by a user. The user account associated with the resource ...
  67. The error %1 caused the Move for %2 to fail. Dump of the FX Stack: %3 Run ISINTEG to check for any problem in the database ...
  68. The error %1 caused the Move for %2 to fail. Dump of the FX Stack: %3 Run ISINTEG to check for any problem in the database ...
  69. The EWS Id is in EwsLegacyId format which is not supported by the Exchange version specified by your request. Please use ...
  70. The EWS Id is in EwsLegacyId format which is not supported by the Exchange version specified by your request. Please use ...
  71. The EwsAllowList parameter can't be specified together with the EwsApplicationAccessPolicy parameter if the value of EwsApplicationAccessPolicy ...
  72. The Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server %1 was found in Exchange 2007 routing group %2 in routing tables with timestamp ...
  73. The Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server %1 was found in Exchange 2007 routing group %2 in routing tables with timestamp ...
  74. The Exchange 2000 remote server or the Exchange 2003 remote server is out of disk storage to hold mail. This issue occurs ...
  75. The Exchange ActiveSync application pool MSExchangeSyncAppPool is configured to run under the wrong identity. MSExchangeSyncAppPool ...