Exchange Server 2010
- The domain name part of the sender's SMTP e-mail address is invalid. The domain part, which is the part of the e-mail address ...
- The domain routing information stored in recipient policies and SMTP connectors is consistent. The corresponding entries ...
- The DomainController parameter and the IgnoreDefaultScope switch can't be used at the same time. Remove one, and try again. ...
- The domains {0} already exist in another organization relationship. Domains can only exist in one organization relationship. ...
- The DomainSecureEnabled parameter can't be set to $True unless Transport Layer Security (TLS) is set on the AuthMechanism ...
- The download URL '{0}' can't be reached. Check your Internet connection settings to verify that the URL can be reached on ...
- The duration between startTime and endTime ({0}) of the recurrence is greater than the minimum duration between two occurrences ...
- The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the ...
- The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the ...
- The e-mail address '%1' created during update process for display name '%2' (mailbox name '%3') is not unique. The unique ...
- The e-mail address '%1' created during update process for display name '%2' (mailbox name '%3') is not unique. The unique ...
- The e-mail address could not be found. Perhaps the recipient moved to a different e-mail organization, or there was a mistake ...
- The e-mail address could not be found. Perhaps the recipient moved to a different e-mail organization, or there was a mistake ...
- The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' computers is ...
- The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' computers is ...
- The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' machines is missing. ...
- The e-mail address description object in the Microsoft Exchange directory for the '%1' address type on '%2' machines is missing. ...
- The e-mail address for recipient "{0}" was updated to the e-mail address "{1}". The message is in the process of being delivered. ...
- The e-mail address for the journal report recipient isn't a valid SMTP address. A valid SMTP address is in the format user@domain. ...
- The e-mail address for the sender ({0}) is internal to your organization and cannot be added to the {1} list. E-mail from ...
- The e-mail address for this recipient was found in Active Directory and the message is in the process of being delivered. ...
- The e-mail address is invalid or does not exist in the recipient e-mail system. One of the most common causes is that a recipient ...
- The e-mail address is invalid or does not exist in the recipient e-mail system. This code may be caused by an invalid non-SMTP ...
- The e-mail address policy object "{0}" is invalid because it contains invalid e-mail address templates: {1}. To view details ...
- The e-mail address that is specified with the ExternalAddress parameter is already mapped to an internal address by another ...
- The e-mail address that is specified with the InternalAddress parameter is already being rewritten by another address rewrite ...
- The e-mail address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the recipient's e-mail address and try to resend the message. ...
- The e-mail message couldn't be delivered because its format was damaged. Try creating a new message and sending it again. ...
- The e-mail message couldn't be delivered because the delivery wasn't completed within the time limit configured by the administrator. ...
- The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient e-mail system. The sender should make the e-mail ...
- The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient mailbox. Reduce the size of the e-mail message ...
- The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient mailbox. The sender should make the e-mail ...
- The e-mail message exceeded the maximum message size allowed by the recipient's e-mail system. Reduce the size of the e-mail ...
- The e-mail message format was corrupted and could not be delivered. The sender should try creating a new message and sending ...
- The e-mail message was corrupted or altered, and the recipient e-mail system that is responsible for validating or decrypting ...
- The e-mail message was damaged or altered. As a result, the recipient's e-mail system that is responsible for validating ...
- The e-mail message was rejected by the recipient e-mail system. This code indicates a generic incorrect e-mail address issue. ...
- The e-mail message was rejected by the recipient's e-mail system. This code indicates an incorrect e-mail address was used. ...
- The e-mail system is experiencing delays. Several messages may be affected. The system will continue trying to deliver this ...
- The e-mail system issued a protocol command with invalid arguments. The sender can try sending the e-mail message again later. ...
- The e-mail system limits the number of recipients that can be addressed in a single message. Send the message multiple times ...
- The e-mail system limits the number of recipients that can be addressed in a single message. Send the message multiple times ...
- The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. ...
- The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. ...
- The EASI ID account "{0}" doesn't exist so it can't be evicted. Please create the mailbox without using the EvictLiveId parameter. ...
- The EDB file for mailbox store '{3}' on server {2} is being written to a compressed folder. Severe performance degradation ...
- The EdbFilePath that you specified is already in use by another database on server "{1}". Please specify a different EdbFilePath. ...
- The Edge Subscription needs to be removed before uninstalling the Edge Transport role from this server. Run 'Remove-EdgeSubscription' ...
- The Edge Subscription should be completed inside your organization within the next "{0}" minutes before the bootstrap account ...
- The Edge Transport role has been unpacked or installed. The other roles cannot be installed with the Edge Transport role. ...
- The Edge Transport server role and the IIS Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service are both installed on server {2}. ...
- The Edge Transport server role performs anti-spam and antivirus filtering, and applies messaging and security policies to ...
- The EdgeSync cookie has not been updated as expected. It may indicate EdgeSync has encountered synchronization errors. For ...
- The EdgeSync lease has expired. This might indicate that EdgeSync services are not running on the Hub Transport servers in ...
- The en-US unified messaging language pack can't be added or removed. It will be installed and uninstalled with the Unified ...
- The en-US unified messaging language pack can't be added or removed. It will be installed and uninstalled with the Unified ...
- The ending restored logfile %4 is too low. It should end at logfile %5. For more information, click ...
- The ending restored logfile %4 is too low. It should end at logfile %5. For more information, click ...
- The entry "{0}" is invalid. A file name entry that starts with '*.' must be strictly an extension specification. It can't ...
- The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is missing the following mandatory ...
- The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is missing the following mandatory ...
- The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is trying to delete the mandatory ...
- The entry with distinguished name '%1' will not be written to the directory because it is trying to delete the mandatory ...
- The environment variable ExchangeInstallPath is missing or incorrect. This can cause the Exchange management tools to fail ...
- The Equals (-eq) comparison operator was used with a partial identity argument. Use the Like (-like) comparison operator ...
- The equipment mailbox is for equipment scheduling and is not owned by a user. The user account associated with the resource ...
- The error %1 caused the Move for %2 to fail. Dump of the FX Stack: %3 Run ISINTEG to check for any problem in the database ...
- The error %1 caused the Move for %2 to fail. Dump of the FX Stack: %3 Run ISINTEG to check for any problem in the database ...
- The EWS Id is in EwsLegacyId format which is not supported by the Exchange version specified by your request. Please use ...
- The EWS Id is in EwsLegacyId format which is not supported by the Exchange version specified by your request. Please use ...
- The EwsAllowList parameter can't be specified together with the EwsApplicationAccessPolicy parameter if the value of EwsApplicationAccessPolicy ...
- The Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server %1 was found in Exchange 2007 routing group %2 in routing tables with timestamp ...
- The Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server %1 was found in Exchange 2007 routing group %2 in routing tables with timestamp ...
- The Exchange 2000 remote server or the Exchange 2003 remote server is out of disk storage to hold mail. This issue occurs ...
- The Exchange ActiveSync application pool MSExchangeSyncAppPool is configured to run under the wrong identity. MSExchangeSyncAppPool ...