Office 365

  1. The public folder store '{0}' where the offline address book '{1}' is hosted is dismounted. This will cause offline address ...
  2. The public folder store where offline address book '{0}' is hosted has been deleted. The current public folder store is: ...
  3. The query returns too many records for the Threat Explorer. Add filter conditions or select a smaller time range and try ...
  4. The Read, Write or Script source access permission of virtual directory '{0}' on server '{1}' is enabled. These settings ...
  5. The receive connector '{0}' has been enabled to allow open relay to anonymous users. If enabled, and the server is Internet-facing, ...
  6. The receiving email server refused to accept the message. Validation failed when the server tried to validate that the sending ...
  7. The recipient ({0}) can't receive mail from ({1}) because the domain ({2}) isn't set up correctly. The domain ({2}) is missing ...
  8. The recipient ({0}) isn't a valid email address in your Office 365 address book, but it exists in your organization's on-premises ...
  9. The recipient ({Recipient}) can't receive mail from ({Sender}) because the domain ({Domain}) isn't set up correctly. The ...
  10. The recipient ({Recipient}) can't receive mail from ({Sender}) because the SPF record for domain ({Domain}) isn't set up ...
  11. The recipient didn't get the message because it was forwarded to another address. Messages sent to the recipient ({0}) are ...
  12. The recipient policy '{0}' references a domain '{1}' that is not an accepted domain. Click on the link 'get help fixing this ...
  13. The recipient you provided is a public folder or contact. Unfortunately, we don't have automated troubleshooting steps for ...
  14. The recipient you provided is a public folder or contact. Unfortunately, we don't have automated troubleshooting steps for ...
  15. The recipient you provided is a public folder or contact. Unfortunately, we don't have automated troubleshooting steps for ...
  16. The recipient you provided is a public folder or contact. We don't have automated troubleshooting steps for these kinds of ...
  17. The recipient's email server (outside Office 365) returned an error. The sender's message appears to violate a policy setting ...
  18. The recipient's email server (outside Office 365) uses the spam block list and it suspected your message is spam. ...
  19. The recipient's email system is using the McAfee (MXLogic) email filtering service. When Office 365 tried to send the message ...
  20. The recipient's email system is using the Mimecast email filtering service. When Office 365 tried to send the message to ...
  21. The recipient's email system rejected the message due to a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) issue. SPF is a setting that helps ...
  22. The recommended value for 'MinUserDc' registry entry on server '{0}' isn't configured correctly. This value should be between ...
  23. The registry setting 'Send Mail Immediately' is not configured correctly to prevent email from leaving your outbox for '{0}'. ...
  24. The registry value 'FCheckTcpTimedWaitDelayEntry' on registry key 'System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters' isn't ...
  25. The registry value 'MaxUserPort' on registry key 'System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters' isn't set to '{0}'. ...
  26. The remaining steps in the migration process will be performed in the Office 365 Admin Center. The Admin Center will allow ...
  27. The remote domain with reserved name {0} was found. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam laoreet ...
  28. The report name \'{0}\' you entered in either the property sheet or macro is misspelled or refers to a report that doesn\'t ...
  29. The request to delist IP address {0} has been denied. If you believe that you're receiving this message in error, you can ...
  30. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. Wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem ...
  31. The requested user's mailbox could not be found. Please make sure that the user has been assigned with a valid license and ...
  32. The required end points for Azure Active Directory (for Office 365) are not enabled.Enable the required end points for the ...
  33. The required prerequisites aren't installed on your computer. Select each link below to install prerequisites and continue ...
  34. The required process to create and deploy Configuration Manager applications to %BRAND_MAC% computers is similar to the deployment ...
  35. The required software isn't installed. Click on the links to complete the installation so that we can better support you. ...
  36. The resource mailbox was created successfully, but some properties weren't saved. Close this message, then in the Mailboxes ...
  37. The resources and guidance provided by the FastTrack team helped me plan how my organization would engage and use the Office ...
  38. The retention period will be extended only for the item you selected. This won't have any effect on the label's retention ...
  39. The Rights Management team is verifying the service incident has been resolved. The service may be operational for some affected ...
  40. The roles cannot be updated because we couldn't communicate with the service. Select Close and try again in a few minutes. ...
  41. The room name is a required field because this is the name people see when they look in the address book. For example, "Conference ...
  42. The room will forward all meeting requests to the people you add in the next step and they will accept or decline all meetings ...
  43. The RPC port range on server '{0}' is manually set to '{1}'. If RPC errors are occurring, the port range may need to be expanded. ...
  44. The RSS feed may contain updates for events which do not impact your Office 365 organization and are not visible on the service ...
  45. The rule you\'ve selected can\'t currently be viewed. Please use the desktop version of Outlook to view it. Rules you create ...
  46. The rules here are made up of conditions and actions that define the protection requirements for this policy. You can edit ...
  47. The Safety Net SafetyNetHoldTime value of '{0}' is smaller than the ReplayLagTime value on the database '{1}'. This may cause ...
  48. The SAML token type we received from your identity provider is not supported for WS* federation. This isn't something you ...
  49. The search or filter you chose returned more results than can be displayed here. Please narrow your search or choose a different ...
  50. The search will contain all content from this case's holds (whether turned on or turned off) with any case hold filters applied ...
  51. The second record field (for the same MX record) is the priority field. For this field, type a number that is higher than ...
  52. The section you selected is unavailable or protected with a password. If you retry, your image will be saved in the default ...
  53. The secure URL and storage account key are used in the tools for importing files either by shipping them or by uploading ...
  54. The security settings required by your email account are stricter than the Microsoft account security settings of at least ...
  55. The security settings required by your email account are stricter than the settings for your Microsoft account. This device ...
  56. The security token we received didn't contain the expected claim: '{0}'. It appears that your Active Directory federation ...
  57. The security token we received didn't contain the expected claim: '{0}'. This isn't something you can fix yourself. Contact ...
  58. The security token we received didn't contain the expected URN '{0}' at '{1}'. It appears that your Active Directory federation ...
  59. The security token we received from your identity provider did not contain a NameID value in the Subject element. This may ...
  60. The security token we received from your identity provider doesn't specify a signature method. This is a potential security ...
  61. The security token we received from your identity provider is not signed with the SHA-1 or SHA-256 algorithm. This is a potential ...
  62. The selected items will automatically be moved to a folder of your choice under Inbox . If you don't find the item you were ...
  63. The sender received an error from an email server outside Office 365 when trying to send the message. This is probably due ...
  64. The sender you provided is a distribution group. Unfortunately, we only support tracing messages from individual email addresses. ...
  65. The sender you provided is a distribution group. Unfortunately, we only support tracing messages from individual email addresses. ...
  66. The sender you provided is a distribution group. Unfortunately, we only support tracing messages from individual email addresses. ...
  67. The sender's message was routed to an email server outside Office 365. Unfortunately, that email server isn't set up correctly ...
  68. The sender's SPF record is: {0} To fix the problem try one or more of the following: Make sure the SPF records at your domain ...
  69. The sensitive information types here are available to use in your security and compliance policies. These include a large ...
  70. The server '{0}' is configured for Office 365 hybrid, and the move request for mailbox '{1}' from database '{2}' to database ...
  71. The server '{0}' is configured for Office 365 hybrid, but the certificate '{1}' is not correct for federation and mail flow ...
  72. The server '{0}' is configured for Office 365 hybrid, but the federation trust is not working properly on server '{0}'. There ...
  73. The server '{0}' is running on VMware virtualization software. Click on the link 'get help fixing this issue' in the actions ...
  74. The server requires encryption, but the client isn't encrypted and the client doesn't support receiving the error code ecNotEncrypted ...
  75. The server {0} is listed as a Client Access server in the HybridConfiguration Active Directory object, but it doesn't have ...