Windows 10

  1. attach - Attaches a filter to the specified Volume %1 attach filterName volumeName -i instanceName ][-a altitude The filterName ...
  2. Attaches the specified virtual disk. Syntax: ATTACH VDISK NOERR READONLY { SD= | USEFILESD } NOERR For scripting only. When ...
  3. Attachment '%3' is read only. Please provide read/write access to add the attachment. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ...
  4. Attachment '%3' is read-only. Please provide read/write access to add the attachment. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ...
  5. Attachment type '%6' cannot be added to this Drive. Please use attachment type '%7' and try again. (Virtual machine ID %2) ...
  6. Attempt to initialize %1 wordlist in %2 spell checker failed. This could be due to a bug with the spell checker. The spell ...
  7. Attempt to install service: Service Name: %1 Service File Name: %2 Service Type: %3 Service Start Type: %4 Service Account: ...
  8. Attempt to update DNS Host Name of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated value was '%1'. The following ...
  9. Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes of the computer object in Active Directory ...
  10. Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes of the computer object in Active Directory ...
  11. Attempt to update HOST Service Principal Names (SPNs) of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated values ...
  12. Attempted to create a job with ID {0}. A job with this ID cannot be created now. Verify that the ID has already been assigned ...
  13. Attempted to disable data access for data deduplicated CSV volume "%1" without maintenance mode. Data access can only be ...
  14. Attempting to apply the following Work Folders Group Policy configuration: Work Folders URL: %1 Force automatic setup: %2 ...
  15. Attempting to defragment scope knowledge. Partner id: %1, scope id: %2, exceptions: %3 positive and %4 negative, min vector ...
  16. Attempting to send data to remote server using the following proxy configuration: Access Type (%1); Proxy Server (%2); Proxy ...
  17. Attempting to set the desired authentication protocol for a connection to the following DSA failed. DSA: %1 Additional Data: ...
  18. Attempts to update the Active Directory Domain Services database are failing. Active Directory Domain Services will be unable ...
  19. Attempts to update the Active Directory Domain Services database are succeeding. If there are no other outstanding issues ...
  20. Attempts to update the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database are failing. Active Directory Lightweight ...
  21. Attempts to update the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database are succeeding. If there are no other outstanding ...
  22. Attribute list size : %1!d! (%1!#x!) File metadata space used : %2!d! (%2!#x!) File metadata space allocated : %3!d! (%3!#x!) ...
  23. Attributes of an Active Directory object were replicated. Session ID: %1 Object: %2 Attribute: %3 Type of change: %4 New ...
  24. Attributes: %1!d! Values: %2!d! Dn-valued Attributes: %3!d! MaxDnVals on any attr:%4!d! ObjectDn with maxattr:%5!S! Attrname ...
  25. AttributeString -%3 -%24 PolicyServer -%5 ConfigString -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%6 -%9 -%14 ...
  26. AttributeString -%3 -%4 CertId -%24 PolicyServer -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%33 Pin -%20 -%22 ...
  27. AttributeString -%3 -%4 CertId -%24 PolicyServer -%5 ConfigString -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password ...
  28. Attune 1.1 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows. For an update that is compatible with this version ...
  29. Attune 2.1 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows. For an update that is compatible with this version ...
  30. Audio and video playback redirection cannot occur on the client computer because the Remote Desktop Connection version is ...
  31. Audio playback redirection quality mode: %2 Quality mode is a bitmask where Dynamic=0x01, Medium=0x02, and High Quality = ...
  32. Audit account logon events This security setting determines whether the OS audits each time this computer validates an account's ...
  33. Audit account management This security setting determines whether to audit each event of account management on a computer. ...
  34. Audit directory service access This security setting determines whether the OS audits user attempts to access Active Directory ...
  35. Audit file system global object access This policy setting allows you to apply a comprehensive object access audit policy ...
  36. Audit logon events This security setting determines whether the OS audits each instance of a user attempting to log on to ...
  37. Audit object access This security setting determines whether the OS audits user attempts to access non-Active Directory objects. ...
  38. Audit policy change This security setting determines whether the OS audits each instance of attempts to change user rights ...
  39. Audit Policy Change: New Policy: Success Failure %3 %4 Logon/Logoff %5 %6 Object Access %7 %8 Privilege Use %13 %14 Account ...
  40. Audit privilege use This security setting determines whether to audit each instance of a user exercising a user right. If ...
  41. Audit process tracking This security setting determines whether the OS audits process-related events such as process creation, ...
  42. Audit registry global object access This policy setting allows you to apply a global object access audit policy to the registry ...
  43. Audit Security Object changed: Primary User Name: %1 Primary Domain: %2 Primary Logon ID: %3 Client User Name: %4 Client ...
  44. Audit system events This security setting determines whether the OS audits any of the following events: Attempted system ...
  45. Audit: Audit the access of global system objects This security setting determines whether to audit the access of global system ...
  46. Audit: Audit the use of Backup and Restore privilege This security setting determines whether to audit the use of all user ...
  47. Audit: Force audit policy subcategory settings (Windows Vista or later) to override audit policy category settings. Windows ...
  48. Audit: Shut down system immediately if unable to log security audits This security setting determines whether the system ...
  49. Auditing settings on object changed: Object Server: %1 Object Type: %2 Object Name: %3 Handle ID: %4 Process ID: %5 Image ...
  50. Auditing settings on object were changed. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Object: ...
  51. Auditing settings on object were changed. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Object: ...
  52. Auth1ECDSAP256CAName: %1!s! Auth1ECDSAP256CertMapping: %2!s! Auth1ECDSAP256ExcludeCAName: %3!s! Auth1ECDSAP256CertType: %4!s! ...
  53. Auth1ECDSAP384CAName: %1!s! Auth1ECDSAP384CertMapping: %2!s! Auth1ECDSAP384ExcludeCAName: %3!s! Auth1ECDSAP384CertType: %4!s! ...
  54. auth1ecdsap384healthcert=yes|no (default=no) auth2=computercert|computercertecdsap256|computercertecdsap384| userkerb|us ...
  55. auth2ecdsap256ca=" certmapping:yes|no catype:root|intermediate (default=root) certhash: followrenewal:yes|no (default=no) ...
  56. Auth2ECDSAP256CAName: %1!s! Auth2ECDSAP256CertMapping: %2!s! Auth2ECDSAP256CertType: %3!s! Auth2ECDSAP256HealthCert: %4!s! ...
  57. Auth2ECDSAP384CAName: %1!s! Auth2ECDSAP384CertMapping: %2!s! Auth2ECDSAP384CertType: %3!s! Auth2ECDSAP384HealthCert: %4!s! ...
  58. Authenticate messages if authentication level for calls (on Security Property Page) is not NONE. This is Windows 2000 behavior. ...
  59. Authentication failed because the client can't support any of the authentication protocol versions received from the server. ...
  60. Authentication failed because the client found that a stronger authentication protocol is available. Try connecting again. ...
  61. Authentication failed because the server is requesting the client's real identity, but the client can only provide a pseudonym. ...
  62. Authentication failed because there's a problem with the attributes in the authentication request message received from the ...
  63. Authentication failed due to a user account restriction or requirement that was not followed. For example, the user account ...
  64. Authentication failed due to a user credentials mismatch. Either the user name provided does not map to an existing user ...
  65. authentication failed due to status code 13: Responding station does not support the specified authentication algorithm (for ...
  66. Authentication failed for EAP method type %1 because the certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted. ...
  67. Authentication methods specify how trust is established between computers. These authentication methods are offered and accepted ...
  68. authentication requires an explicit user name and password. Specify the user name and password by using the -Credential parameter ...
  69. Authentication Ticket Request Failed: User Name: %1 Supplied Realm Name: %2 Service Name: %3 Ticket Options: %4 Failure Code: ...
  70. Authentication Ticket Request: User Name: %1 Supplied Realm Name: %2 User ID: %3 Service Name: %4 Service ID: %5 Ticket Options: ...
  71. Authentication type '{0}' is invalid without credential. Only following authentication type are allowed without credential, ...
  72. AuthenticationType - Specify one of the following client authentication methods while adding a URL %1 - %2 %3 - %4 %5 - %6 ...
  73. AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP main mode security association ...
  74. AuthIP Quick Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP quick mode security ...
  75. AuthRenewalInterval cannot be set when EnableAuthRenewal is disabled. The existing value of AuthRenewalInterval will be reset ...