Exchange Server 2016

  1. Database copy '{0}' on Server '{1}' component (HighAvailability) state is offline. If you need to activate this copy of the ...
  2. Database copy '{0}' on server '{1}' has a copy queue length of {2} logs, which is higher than the maximum allowed copy queue ...
  3. Database copy '{0}' on server '{1}' has a total (copy plus replay) queue length of {2} logs, which is higher than the maximum ...
  4. Database copy '{0}' on server '{1}' has content index catalog files in the following state: '{2}'. If you need to activate ...
  5. Database copy '{0}' on server '{1}' has {2} logs to inspect and replay, which is higher than maximum allowed replay queue ...
  6. Database copy '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently a seeding source. You need to cancel the existing seed operation before ...
  7. Database copy '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently resynchronizing its log files with the active database copy. If you need ...
  8. Database copy {0} encountered an IoHard failure. A reseed was attempted but did not fix the issue. Details = {Probe.ExtensionXml} ...
  9. Database copy {0} has been {Probe.StateAttribute3} for {1} hours. CopyQueueLength={Probe.StateAttribute6}; ReplayQueueLength={Probe.StateAttribute7}; ...
  10. Database copy {0} has not made replication progress for {1} minutes. CopyQueueLength={Probe.StateAttribute6}; ReplayQueu ...
  11. Database copy {0} is Suspended for {1} minutes. CopyQueueLength={Probe.StateAttribute6}; ReplayQueueLength={Probe.StateAttribute7}; ...
  12. Database dismount returned success. But database {1} is still reported by the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service ...
  13. Database distribution is not balanced. Server with minimum number of active databases has only {0} databases, while server ...
  14. Database Maintenance background task for database '%4' failed to start with error %5. For more information, click http:/ ...
  15. Database Maintenance Duration is the number of hours that have passed since maintenance last completed for this database. ...
  16. Database Maintenance has completed a full pass on database '%1'. This pass started on %2 and ran for a total of %3 seconds ...
  17. Database Maintenance has completed a full pass on database '%1'. This pass started on %2 and ran for a total of %3 seconds. ...
  18. Database Maintenance has completed a full pass on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds ...
  19. Database Maintenance has completed a full pass on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds. ...
  20. Database Maintenance is resuming for database '%1', starting from page %2. This pass started on %3 and has been running for ...
  21. Database Maintenance is resuming for database '%4', starting from page %5. This pass started on %6 and has been running for ...
  22. Database Maintenance is running on database '%1'. This pass started on %2 and has been running for %3 hours. %4 pages seen ...
  23. Database Maintenance is running on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and has been running for %6 hours. %7 pages seen ...
  24. Database Maintenance is starting for database '%4'. For more information, click ...
  25. Database Maintenance Pages Bad Checksums is the number of non-correctable page checksums encountered during a database maintenance ...
  26. Database Maintenance Pages Checked for Divergences is the number of pages that were scanned for possible divergence against ...
  27. Database management scopes will only be applied when a user connects to a server running Exchange 2010 SP1 or later. Servers ...
  28. Database Page Evictions/sec is the rate that database file page requests, which require the database cache manager to allocate ...
  29. Database Page Fault Stalls/sec is the rate of page faults that cannot be serviced because there are no pages available for ...
  30. Database Page Faults/sec is the rate that database file page requests require the database cache manager to allocate a new ...
  31. Database provides performance statistics for each process using the ESE high performance embedded database management system. ...
  32. Database recovery failed with error %1 because it encountered references to a database, '%2', which does not match the current ...
  33. Database recovery failed with error %1 because it encountered references to a database, '%2', which is no longer present. ...
  34. Database recovery failed with error %4 because it encountered references to a database, '%5', which does not match the current ...
  35. Database recovery failed with error %4 because it encountered references to a database, '%5', which is no longer present. ...
  36. Database recovery on '%2' failed with error %1. The database is not in the state expected at the first reference of this ...
  37. Database recovery on '%5' failed with error %4. The database is not in the state expected at the first reference of this ...
  38. Database recovery stopped abruptly while redoing logfile %1 (%2,%3). The logs after this point may not be recognizable and ...
  39. Database recovery stopped abruptly while redoing logfile %4 (%5,%6). The logs after this point may not be recognizable and ...
  40. Database recovery/restore failed with unexpected error %4. For more information, click ...
  41. Database RPC Latency Root Cause Responder successfully executed last time and found no issues, turning monitor green so responder ...
  42. Database schema version check monitor for one or more database(s) failed to take appropriate provisioning action. Please ...
  43. Database size monitor for database '{0}' may have failed to take appropriate provisioning action (setting IsExcludedFromProvisioning) ...
  44. Database size monitor for database '{0}' may have failed to take appropriate provisioning action (setting IsExcludedFromProvisioning). ...
  45. Database: %1 Mailbox Server: %2 A failover occurred and the database was forced to mount after waiting %5 seconds. The known ...
  46. Database: %1 Mailbox server: %2 A Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase operation was requested with a MountDialOverride of %3. Database ...
  47. Database: %1 Mailbox Server: %2 Attempts to copy the log files from the source server are taking longer than usual because ...
  48. Database: %1 Mailbox server: %2 Attempts to copy the log files from the source server weren't successful because the database ...
  49. Database: %1 Mailbox Server: %2 Database %1 will be mounted with the following loss information: The last log generated (known ...
  50. Database: %1 Mailbox server: %2 Database %1 won't be mounted because the number of lost logs was greater than the amount ...
  51. Database: %1 Mailbox Server: %2 Public Folder Database %1 won't be mounted because there was data loss. *The last log generated ...
  52. Database: %1 Mailbox server: %2 The database won't be mounted because the number of lost logs was greater than the amount ...
  53. Databases in storage group '{0}' on server {1} are set to zero pages during backup. While this can improve security, it will ...
  54. Databases in storage group '{3}' on server {2} are set to zero pages during backup. While this can improve security, it will ...
  55. Date of scheduled transition to the next stage in the lifecycle (SubscriptionStatus changing from Enabled to Warning, Warning ...
  56. Debug tracing is enabled and running on the Exchange Server {0}. You should only enable this setting when troubleshooting ...
  57. Debugging mode is currently enabled for {0} modules on server {2}. This configuration should only be used when troubleshooting. ...
  58. Debugging mode is enabled for Trend Micro ScanMail modules on server {0}. This configuration should only be used when troubleshooting. ...
  59. Default Mserv endpoint IP address or SLB name is: '{0}'. Building MservClient with user specified Mserv IP address: '{1}' ...
  60. Defective Journals are messages which were partially unjournaled by Unjournal agent due to a defect in the journal report ...
  61. Defective Journals are messages which were partially unjournaled by Unjournal agent due to a defect in the journal report ...
  62. Deferrals of messages to license per second is the number of deferrals of messages for server licensing by the Prelicensing ...
  63. Define a filter that is applied to the operations, which have the fields as they appear in the CSV files. The script block ...
  64. Defines a regular expression that is matched against the selected database names; any databases that match this regular expression ...
  65. Defragmentation Tasks Postponed is the count of background database defragmentation tasks that could not be registered for ...
  66. Delay Time Threshold is the length of time that a single operation must be delayed in one minute to increment the UsersDelayedXMilliseconds ...
  67. Delete Collection Commands/sec is the number of DeleteCollection commands that are processed each second. Clients that are ...
  68. Delete Collection Total is the total number of DeleteCollections commands that have been processed since the service was ...
  69. DeleteAttachment Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a DeleteAttachment ...
  70. DeleteAttachment Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the DeleteAttachment web method since ...
  71. DeleteBookingService Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the DeleteBookingService web method. ...
  72. DeleteCalendarEvent Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the DeleteCalendarEvent web method. ...
  73. DeleteFolder Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a DeleteFolder ...
  74. DeleteFolder Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the DeleteFolder web method since the service ...
  75. DeleteItem Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a DeleteItem ...