Dynamics NAV 2015
- This chart provides a quick overview of the financial performance of your company, displayed in three periods. The chart ...
- This chart shows the ten customers with the highest total sales value. The last column shows the sum of sales values of all ...
- This collection cannot be synchronized because the relation between this collection and the dependent entity %1 was not defined. ...
- This combination is not valid. You cannot export Debit and Credit amounts for Budgeted amounts.\Please enter Amount in the ...
- This computer has %2 processor. You do only have permission to run VIP Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV on a ...
- This customer is not assigned to any discount group, therefore a discount group could not be used in context of this customer. ...
- This database is registered with several %1 instances. You must choose an instance to use before performing this activity. ...
- This device already contains a database partition. If you continue, then that database partition will be lost. Are you sure ...
- This feature creates a toolbar in Outlook that allows you to synchronize contacts, appointments, and tasks in Outlook with ...
- This field specifies that only general ledger entries from this posting date are transferred to Cost Accounting.\Are you ...
- This function closes the inventory up to %1. Once it is closed, you cannot post in the period until it is re-opened.\Make ...
- This function registers the cost types in the chart of accounts.\This creates the link between chart of accounts and cost ...
- This function transfers all income statement accounts from the chart of accounts to the chart of cost types.\All types including ...
- This function updates the indentation of all the cash flow accounts in the chart of cash flow accounts. All accounts between ...
- This installation program must be run with administrator privileges. The user account under which the installation is run ...
- This installation wizard will help you to install Microsoft Dynamics NAV on this computer or prepare a tailored installation ...
- This is the first time that you are activating a link to the following destination: Server: %1 Database: %2 Please be aware ...
- This Job Queue Entry may be still running. If you set status to Error, it may keep running in background. Are you sure you ...
- This Job Queue has been set up to start from NAS. The Job Queue will start automatically when the NAS service is started. ...
- This mail message has been generated by the user %1 from Microsoft Dynamics NAV for test purposes. Sent through SMTP Server: ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: An exception was raised in method %3. The OLE control or Automation server has returned ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not convert from %11.20 to %10.20. The return value of parameter %7 in event ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not create an instance of the OLE control or Automation server identified by ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned an unknown ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member %3. The OLE control or Automation server returned the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The external component did not provide an IID_IStream or IID_ISequentialStream interface ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The maximum number of parameters has been exceeded. %3 requires %4 parameters. C/SIDE ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The OLE control or Automation server identified by %3 requires a design time license. ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The return value from the OLE control or Automation server (data type double) has an ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The return value from the OLE control or Automation server (data type float) has an ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The stream cannot find a zero-terminated string. The stream may be invalid, or the ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The write size in the stream does not correspond to the variable size or the requested ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: The Written Size does not correspond to the Variable size or the requested Length. ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: This Automation variable has not been instantiated. You can instantiate it by either ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: This data type is not supported by C/SIDE. You can access data from any of the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: This DotNet data type is not supported by C/SIDE. You can access data from the following ...
- This message is for C/AL programmers: You cannot run the %1 object ID %2 when you open a report from the RoleTailored client. ...
- This operation cannot be completed. There is no active connection to the server. Close the application and start it again. ...
- This option allows you to add or remove Microsoft Dynamics NAV product components. It also allows you to customize how your ...
- This option allows you to repair your Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation. This is useful if the installed program files ...
- This option will group entries with the same Tariff No, Country/Region Code, Item No, Cust.VAT Registration No. This feature ...
- This parameter is only relevant if the Credential Type is ACS. It specifies the web location where the client gets information ...
- This parameter is relevant when security certificates are necessary for protecting client/server communications. It specifies ...
- This report has a reference to a field that does not exist in the dataset.%9 You can recreate the dataset by opening the ...
- This sales line is currently planned. Your changes will not cause any replanning, so you must manually update the production ...
- This service invoice was created from the service contract. If you want to get shipment lines, you must create another service ...
- This will change all occurrences of VAT Bus. Posting Group in G/L Account, Customer, and Vendor tables\where Gen. Bus. Posting ...
- This will delete any unposted WIP entries for this job and allow you to reverse the completion postings for this job.\Do ...
- This wizard helps you to assign activities. The Meeting Organizer field should be filled in if this activity is assigned ...
- This wizard helps you to create interactions and record information regarding their costs, duration, and connection to a ...
- This wizard helps you to create phone calls and record information regarding their cost, duration and connection to a campaign. ...
- Timeout waiting for a connection to database {0} on server {1}. Other processes on this server has requested an exclusive ...
- To activate the sales prices and/or line discounts, you must apply the relevant %1(s) to the %2 and place a check mark in ...
- To delete the fiscal year from %1 to %2, you must first modify the fields %3 and %4 in the %5 and %6 so that they are outside ...
- To fiscally close the fiscal year from %1 to %2, you must first post or delete all unposted general journal lines for this ...
- To fiscally close the period from %1 to %2, you must first transfer or delete all existing simulation entries in this fiscal ...
- to IC Partner %3 already exists in the IC inbox of IC Partner %3. IC Partner %3 must complete the line action for transaction ...
- To make sure that all items are adjusted before you start the revaluation, you should run the %1 batch job first.\Do you ...
- To sell a product, you must first select an inventory item or a service in the Item No. field.\To add a message to the customer, ...
- To-do no. %1 is closed and will be reopened. It will be reassigned to %2, and the corresponding salesperson to-dos for team ...
- To-do no. %1 is closed and will be reopened. The to-dos of the %2 team members who do not belong to the %3 team will be deleted. ...
- To-do no. %1 will be reassigned to %2 and the corresponding salesperson to-dos for team members will be deleted. Do you want ...
- Toolbar buttons for this window have already been added. For more information about updating properties or hiding existing ...
- TP-payments of current period,ZD-voluntary offset of debt for the pass tax period,TR-offset of debt by demand of tax authorities ...
- TR-Number of requirement about taxes payment from TA,RS-Number of decision about installment,OT-Number of decision about ...
- Transaction No. %2 is a copy of Transaction No. %1, which has already been set to Accept.\Do you also want to accept Transaction ...