Pagina: " If strMethod = "POST" Then Response.Write " POST Data: " ' On Error in case Request.BinaryRead was executed in ...

<% strMethod = Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") Response.Write strMethod & " " If strMethod = "POST" Then Response.Write Request.TotalBytes & " bytes to " End If Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") Response.Write "" If strMethod = "POST" Then Response.Write "

  • POST Data:
    " ' On Error in case Request.BinaryRead was executed in the page that triggered the error. On Error Resume Next If Request.TotalBytes > lngMaxFormBytes Then Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Left(Request.Form, lngMaxFormBytes)) & " . . ." Else Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form) End If On Error Goto 0 Response.Write "
  • " End If %>