The budget planning purpose cannot be removed from the organization hierarchy because the purpose is used by an active budget planning process. Create a new organization hierarchy, or inactivate the budget planning process.
The budget plan preparer that you selected does not have access to the budget planning process for the following responsibility ...
The budget plan priority cannot be used with the budget planning process that you selected. Select a different budget plan ...
The budget plan scenario cannot be modified because it is included in a budget plan line. Delete the line that includes the ...
The budget planning process could not be deleted because one or more budget plans are associated with it. Remove the associated ...
The budget planning purpose cannot be removed from the organization hierarchy because the purpose is used by an active budget ...
The budget planning stage cannot be updated. A budget planning process is using the following budget planning workflow: %1. ...
The budget reservation that this purchase order references does not support negative quantities. If you do not want a negative ...
The budget transfer was entered successfully and submitted to workflow. It can be reviewed in the Budget register entry details ...
The budget was updated successfully for %1 budget register entries. The budget was not updated for %2 budget register entries. ...