NAME rdpsign [options] [items to sign] OPTIONS /sha1 HASH Specified the SHA1 hash of the signing certificate. /q Quite mode: No output when success, minimal output when failed. /v Verbose mode: Display all warnings, messages, and status. /l Test signing and output results without actually replacing any of the inputs. Ignores when input files are on stdin.
Name and briefly describe the interface (or other data) that this tModel represents. The tModel key is unique and is intended ...
Name and briefly describe this provider in one or more languages. The provider key is unique and is generated for use in ...
Name and briefly describe this service in one or more languages. The service key is unique and is intended for use in programmatic ...
Name and company information is used only by Microsoft to help you if you need assistance. Country/Region is required to ...
NAME rdpsign options items to sign OPTIONS /sha1 HASH Specified the SHA1 hash of the signing certificate. /q Quite mode: ...
Name resolution automatically determines which IP address corresponds to each computer name on the network. This allows users ...
Name, describe, and categorize each Web service, making it easy to locate. Publish one or more access points for a service ...
Name: %s Description: %s Type: %s Channel GUID: %08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x Application Type GUID: ...
Name: %s DN: %s MAC/UUID: %s Referral server: %s Boot program: %s WDS client unattend file: %s Boot image path: %s Join domain: ...