[UserName] has requested to use the [ApplicationName] app published by [PublihserName]. This app will need the following access to data in your Azure Active Directory:
User {0} authenticated for request {1} without being subject to any challenges. The request was denied. This may indicate ...
User {0} from tenantid {1} failed to elevate to Role {2}, Role is defined with MFA gate and user's token doesn't contain ...
Username '{0}' resolves to LDAP Unique Identifier '{1}' which is already used by username '{2}'. Are you sure you want to ...
Username could not be resolved to an Multi-Factor Authentication user. Please check log messages for further information. ...
UserName has requested to use the ApplicationName app published by PublihserName]. This app will need the following access ...
Users can activate privileged roles without going through any step-up authentication. This means that once their credentials ...
Users will not be able to sign-in to Azure AD with on-premises credentials if the UPN suffix does not match a verified domain. ...
Uses an existing private key and public key set. You also can enter the name of the key container in the Key container name ...
Using a PIN is faster and more secure than a password we think you'll love it. How can a PIN be safer than a long password? ...