If you stop allowing domain members to migrate to new domains you will prevent new members from being migrated to new domains and stop all members currently pending migration from migrating to new domains. Are you sure you want to stop allowing domain migration?
If you specify the {0} parameter when using the {1} command, you must also specify at least one of the following parameters:{2} ...
If you specify the {0} parameter you must also specify the {1} parameter and the {2} parameter when using the {3} command. ...
If you start over, you will lose the current form data and start to fill out a new copy of the form. Are you sure you want ...
If you stop a crawl, the next crawl on this content source will be a full crawl. Are you sure you want to stop the crawl? ...
If you stop allowing domain members to migrate to new domains you will prevent new members from being migrated to new domains ...
If you think you have received the wrong type of software, contact your retailer. If your software came pre-installed on ...
If you think you have received the wrong type of software, please contact your retailer. If your software came pre-installed ...
If you trust the source of this document, you can enable automatic refresh. If you disable automatic refresh, you can manually ...
If you trust the source of this workbook, you can enable automatic query refresh. If you disable automatic query refresh, ...