An error was encountered while posting to the suspended queue. Name of the process: %1, Message identifier: %2, exception: %3. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception to avoid recurrence of this issue which could result in data loss.
An error was encountered in the binding engine. The process %1 will be stopped. Error information: %2. Resolve the issue ...
An error was encountered while attempting to shut down the process engine for process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue ...
An error was encountered while attempting to stop process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception ...
An error was encountered while deactivating the binding for process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue that is causing ...
An error was encountered while posting to the suspended queue. Name of the process: %1, Message identifier: %2, exception: ...
An error was encountered while removing the event queuer for process %1. Exception: %2. Resolve the issue that is causing ...
An exception has occurred when trying to restore the web.config file from '{0}'. Check that the destination file '{1}' is ...
An exception was encountered while attempting to dispose an event handler. Name of the process: %1, event handler: %2, exception: ...
An exception was encountered while reporting a hung event. Name of the process: %1, Message identifier: %2, errorMsg: %3, ...