Failed to deserialize credentials for user %1. Serialized credentials were '%2'. This could mean that we are having trouble communicating with the user profile service.
Failed to create a list item for this external list based on the Entity (External Content Type) '|0' in EntityNamespace '|1'. ...
Failed to create the site because the content database is read only. Ensure that the content database is not in read only ...
Failed to create the site because the site's App domains are already in use. Additional information: An attempt was made ...
Failed to decrypt connection password for ConnectionForectName '%1', ConnectionSynchronizationOU '%2', ConnectionUserName ...
Failed to deserialize credentials for user %1. Serialized credentials were '%2'. This could mean that we are having trouble ...
Failed to detach database |0 from SQL instance |1. Retry the upgrade process by closing the wizard and start it again from ...
Failed to detect if this server is joined to a server farm. Possible reasons for this failure could be that you no longer ...
Failed to detect if this server is joined to a server farm. Possible reasons for this failure could be that you no longer ...
Failed to detect if this server is joined to a server farm. Possible reasons for this failure could be that you no longer ...