The files may have been moved from their original locations. Try the following: • Move Graph back to the Microsoft Office folder (or the folder where it was originally installed). • Reinstall Graph to make sure that all files are installed correctly.
The file \0 is a Word version 6.0 or 95 for Windows document. Do you want to update it to the latest Word format? To update ...
The file ^0 is currently a ^1 Presentation. Do you want to overwrite it with the format for this version of PowerPoint? If ...
The files may have been moved from their original locations. Try the following: Move Entourage back to the Microsoft Office ...
The files may have been moved from their original locations. Try the following: Move Excel back to the Microsoft Office folder ...
The files may have been moved from their original locations. Try the following: Move Graph back to the Microsoft Office folder ...
The files may have been moved from their original locations. Try the following: Move Word back to the Microsoft Office folder ...
The files might not be in their original locations. Try moving Organization Chart back to the Microsoft Office folder (or ...
The files might not be in their original locations. Try moving PowerPoint back to the Microsoft Office folder (or its original ...
The folder can be located on either your computer or the CD-ROM from which you originally installed the earlier version of ...