User Account Locked Out: Target Account Name: %1 Target Account ID: %3 Caller Machine Name: %2 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: %5 Caller Logon ID: %6
User account does not have permission to access to this document. Try to open this document using another account or contact ...
User Account Enabled: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
User account has not been activated on this machine. Activate the user account on this machine and reopen this document. ...
User account is not setup for digital rights management. Contact your system administrator to set up your account for digital ...
User Account Locked Out: Target Account Name: %1 Target Account ID: %3 Caller Machine Name: %2 Caller User Name: %4 Caller ...
User Account password set: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
User account restriction error. The possible reasons are that blank passwords not allowed, or that a policy restriction has ...
User Account Unlocked: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
User accounts must have passwords. Any user account that you use to connect remotely must have a password. Also, if you are ...