This computer could not authenticate with %2, a Windows domain controller for domain %1, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests. This inability to authenticate might be caused by another computer on the same network using the same name or the password for this computer account is not recognized. If this message appears again, contact your system administrator.
This component did not download correctly because the data is not digitally signed, and therefore cannot be verified as trusted. ...
This computer connects directly to the Internet. The other computers on my network connect to the Internet through this computer. ...
This computer connects to the Internet directly or through a network hub. Other computers on my network also connect to the ...
This computer contains information that will allow you to uninstall this version of Windows and return to a previous version. ...
This computer could not authenticate with %2, a Windows domain controller for domain %1, and therefore this computer might ...
This computer does not have enough memory to run Windows. This version requires %1!u!.%2!02u! megabytes (MB) of memory (RAM). ...
This computer does not have the necessary domain permissions to support the security functions relating to the created subscription ...
This computer has at least one dynamically assigned IP address. For reliable %1 operation, you should use only static IP ...
This computer has been configured to run Terminal Server. The Terminal Server component allows multiple users to connect ...