Lot quantity on a sales quotation that has been sent to the customer for approval. The sales quotation is not yet a sales order.
Lookup for relationship based on multi-part foreign key could not be shown because the following fields were not bound: {0} ...
Lookup table for viewing/editing global Retail category product properties and synchronizing them with underlying Category ...
Lookup table for viewing/editing Retail category product properties which are specific to a Legal Entity and synchronizing ...
Lookup table to view/edit Retail-specific category properties and synchronize them with the underlying Category Attribute ...
Lot quantity on a sales quotation that has been sent to the customer for approval. The sales quotation is not yet a sales ...
Main account %1 does not exist in legal entity %2, which is the consolidation legal entity, and the error account is not ...
Main account %1 is already used by bank account %2. If you associate multiple bank accounts with a main account, the General ...
Main account %1 was excluded from budget control because its account type has been changed to a value other than Expense, ...
Main accounts are not assigned to account categories in the chart of accounts listed below. Main accounts must be assigned ...