The specified time is not valid. Use the hh:mm (hour:minutes) format. The format can be a 24 hour format (i.e 14:30) or a 12 hour format (i.e 2:30 PM).
The specified string format is not valid. Ensure that the string contains no empty spaces, includes both opening and closing ...
The specified string value {0} to be used for comparison is not valid. Ensure that the specified string value begins and ...
The specified target drive could not be found. Specify an existing drive letter. Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge ...
The specified temporary path is not available or cannot be found. Please ensure that the % mp% environment variable is populated ...
The specified time is not valid. Use the hh:mm (hour:minutes) format. The format can be a 24 hour format (i.e 14:30) or a ...
The specified transaction bridge CLSID is not a valid GUID. MS DTC is being started but the transaction bridge will be disabled.%0 ...
The specified transaction or Transaction.Current must match the transaction used to create or open this TransactedRegistryKey. ...
The specified TransactionManager was unable to create the objects contained in its logfile in the Ob namespace. Therefore, ...
The specified trust is not a Non-Windows Realm Trust. Adding and Removing TLNs and TLN Exculsions are only supported for ...