If the IP address of the internal network adapter is not registered in DNS, it may not be possibly to access the server by using the server's computer name.
If the File History agent is not running on a computer, the server cannot configure or update the File History settings for ...
If the first protocol specified for a proposal in qmsecmethods is ESP, then no other protocols are allowed in that proposal. ...
If the folders to be replicated already exist on multiple servers, the folders and files on the primary member will be authoritative ...
If the IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules service is not running on the RRAS server, then remote access clients cannot communicate ...
If the IP address of the internal network adapter is not registered in DNS, it may not be possibly to access the server by ...
If the IP settings are assigned to your computer automatically by using DHCP, contact your network/DNS administrator. The ...
If the KCC in the site {1} is disabled, you must create replication connections manually to tailor the replication topology. ...
If the license server is installed on a domain controller, Remote Desktop Session Host servers in the same domain can discover ...
If the lines of a Multilink connection fall below the following percentage of capacity for the following period of time, ...