The Federation Metadata document could not be retrieved from the specified location: {0}. Ensure that the specified URI points to a valid resource. Additional technical details: {1}
The FBStageNonFiscalOpReferencedProcess_BR table contains staging information about referenced process of a non fiscal operation ...
The FBStageNonFiscalOpTaxTrans_BR table contains staging information about tax transactions of a non fiscal operation that ...
The FBStageTaxWithholdTrans_BR table contains staging information about withholding tax that must be reported to the government ...
The FBTaxWithholdTransCredit_BR table control the withholding credit control by each tax assessment. When the credit is not ...
The Federation Metadata document could not be retrieved from the specified location: {0}. Ensure that the specified URI points ...
The Federation Service endpoint login failed because the following audience URI does not match an AppIdUri or wtrealm in ...
The FetchXML parameter "{0}" cannot obtain multiple values. Change the parameter "{0}" to a single value parameter, and try ...
The field %1.%2 has already been scheduled for upgrade. You cannot upgrade the same table and field twice using the same ...
The field %1.%2 with data type %3 can not be configured with a range. Use the API %4::%5 to configure fields that have a ...