The Lync Server Migration service throttled incoming connections. In the past %1 minutes, the server rejected %2 user migration requests due to the global configurable limit being exceeded. Cause: There a large number of tenants trying to migrate their users simultaneously. Resolution: Consider raising the limit of global simultaneous migration requests, or communicate with larger tenants to limit the number of total requests.
The LS topology is not configured to run the LS Bandwidth Policy Service (Core). This computer is not associated with any ...
The LS topology is not configured to run the LS Bandwidth Policy Service (Core). This machine does not belong to an OCS site. ...
The LS topology is not configured to run the LS Bandwidth Policy Service (Core). Unexpected change in Site Id, Cluster Id, ...
The Lync Server Migration service throttled incoming connections for specific tenant. In the past %1 minutes, the server ...
The Lync Server Migration service throttled incoming connections. In the past %1 minutes, the server rejected %2 user migration ...
The machine can not release its task due to too many errors in some functions, as it is already over the max times. Task ...
The machine is ready to release its task due to too many errors in some functions. Task switch times: '%1', Priority: '%2', ...
The mapping between the workflow "{0}" and the holiday set "{1}" was successfully stored in the Application Database "{2}". ...
The Match Making client was not able to connect to the active Match Making Service. The following exception occurred when ...